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Our aims are to
• develop a culture of welcome across the city by working with various voluntary and statutory groups, including community groups, schools, health care organisations, the arts and faith communities.
• organize awareness raising activities around the experience of those seeking asylum
• invite groups, organisations and individuals to pledge support for our aims in developing a culture of welcome in the city
See below for details of how to affiliate and provide contact information for your group that refugees and asylum seekers can access.

Any group wishing to affiliate to Derby City of Sanctuary can do so if they agree to our Aims above. Please email us and include the words “This group supports the aims of Derby City of Sanctuary”. Please also include the following information – Group name, contact person name and email, website address if any. Your affiliation will be ratified at our next meeting, giving you a web link from this site, circulation of news and events and publicity of your events.

You can also become part of a stream of sanctuary in fields of faith, art, education, healthcare, business and others.