We are an umbrella group working to create a climate of welcome for asylum seekers and refugees in the city and around and supporting the network of refugee and asylum seeker organisations across Derby.
Have a look at the organisations working with displaced people in Derby, read more about what you can do to help and join us in making Derby a welcoming city for refugees and asylum seekers.
Find us on Facebook and Twitter: @DerbyCoS
Recent News
What’s on for refugees in Derby
What's on for refugees in Derby? Here's a list of all organisations and their provision (last updated 18th July 2024).
Plans for Refugee Week 2024: Our Home
Refugee Week will be happening across the UK from 17th-23rd June 2024. The theme this year is 'Our Home', and everyone is invited to celebrate what this planet - our home - means to them.
Community Action Derby are Hiring for a New Arrivals Alliance Manager!
New Arrivals Alliance Manager - Join our team!
Free dance sessions with Maison Foo
Our next session is :
Derby Refugee Week 2023
Refugee week final 2023
Holocaust Memorial Day events 2023
Derby is once again commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day with some special events
Derby Peace Week is coming! and you are all welcome.
You are invited to a wide range of events at Derby’s 5th Peace Week promoting peace and social justice involving many local groups and civic organizations.
Refugee Week 2022 in Derby and Derbyshire
Refugee Week is a chance to celebrate the contribution oClif refugees in the UK, and we can't wait to do exactly that with lots of organisations across the city and county 20th - 26th June. Click Refugee Week 2022 for…
Derby Theatre awarded Theatre of Sanctuary award!!
Maison Foo offer free creative workshops in Derby
Maison Foo Creative Inspire workshops available free to all asylum seekers - click this link for details
Two Lampedusa Cross events in Derby
On Saturday February 19th there are two events:
Holocaust Memorial day in Derby
Last week saw some profoundly moving events in the city for Holocaust Memorial Day, including talks by the grandson of an SS officer in the second world war and the granddaughter of a Holocaust Survivor, a civic reception for the…